Discover crystal-clear trading
Interested in trading? You're in the right place. ZFX can help you build your unique portfolio easily and confidently.
Why choose ZFX?
Start your trading journey in 4 easy steps
It only takes a few minutes to get your account set up and ready. Here's how to proceed.
Protect and activate your account by verifying your details
2. Verify your details
Securely fund your account using your preferred method
3. Make a first deposit
Choose your favourite asset and place your first trade
4. Start building your portfolio
Complete our short registration form
1. Open your ZFX account
Trade smart with ZFX
ZFX gives you what you need.
Practice and improve your trading skills with the free ZFX demo account and test out risk-free strategies before you invest.
Free demo account
ZFX provides a full range of market insights, news articles and outlooks for you to make the best trading decision.
Trade confidently
ZFX means investing with a Licensed and Regulated Broker.
A secure and reliable
Customer Review
Based on review on
Trustable Broker
Fast deposit and withdrawals transaction, responsive when it comes to customer support and have a diverse list of assets which makes it suitable to trade almost anything you wan
Trustable Broker
1 Review
Hassan Aziz
ZFX customer service gives fast and relevant answers. They can be contacted in several languages. I can use a lot of tools, including a demo account and live account. Account opening is fast and fully digital.
Friendly Interface
1 Review
Lucious Lyon
ZFX is one of my favorite trading companies, deposits and withdrawals are fast and convenient, and when I encounter problems, the service of ZFX customer service is very good!
ZFX is one of my favorite trading…
1 Review
Zeal Capital Market
Easy Deposit & Withdrawal
Building your portfolio has never been easier
This promotion is run by Zeal Capital Market (Seychelles) Limited. Investing carries a high level of risk thus may not be appropriate for all investors. The investment value can both increase and decrease and the investors may lose all their invested capital. Under no circumstances shall the Company have any liability to any person or entity for any loss or damage in whole or part caused by, resulting from, or relating to any transactions related to Investing.

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